The PlayStation 5 unboxing with Travis Scott is next level marketing

Lesetja Thema
3 min readNov 20, 2020
Image from Begeek

On November 13, 2020, Travis Scott premiered the PlayStation 5 unboxing on his YouTube channel and it’s unlike anything I have ever seen before. Initially I thought to myself he’s probably just going to test drive the new console, play some games, react to some features while a few camera’s record him. Boy, was I wrong! In fact I’m glad I was.

The 10 minute video was a culmination of product placement, meets storytelling, meets musical performance, meets an experience. Travis is every brand’s dream at this point, he simply elevates everything.

The Product

The video starts off with Travis sitting on a chair stranded and in the middle of nowhere with a massive screen and speakers in front of him. Eventually the screen switches on and the first thing you witness is the universal PlayStation controller symbols.

At this point the new console in its new color and design is presented. Then a variety of gameplay and cinematic footage pop up such as Astro’s Playroom and Spider-man: Miles Morales; showcasing the graphics, design and interplay within them. Later Travis is seen to be preoccupied in the gameplay as he starts playing the PS5.

Furthermore Travis did a collaboration with Nike and PlayStation to create PlayStation themed merchandise, most prominently the Nike Dunk Low Cactus Jack sneakers.

The Story

Next, a brief introduction is given and that a chosen few will get a special delivery & visit from someone special. I think we all know what to expect at this point.

The focus then shifts to two boys from California, who are interviewed and asked if they know what’s about to happen. Of which they have no clue, obviously. Eventually they get taken to a PlayStation 5 truck outside in the parking lot, only for the doors to open and Travis pops out, leaving these kids mind blown. Travis hands them both a PlayStation 5 console and plays a few games with them in the truck, adhering to social distancing protocols of course.

The Music

Eventually we get to something were not used to seeing when it comes to a product reveal, a surprise musical performance. The camera then switches to James Blake by a piano, also in the middle of nowhere, playing a mellow and stripped down version of ‘Do You Ever.’ And it was rather captivating I must admit, soothing and soulful performance.

Another surprise that came up was a dedication to Pop Smoke, a New York rapper, who was shot and killed in February of this year. Pop had just started getting mainstream attention for his music before this tragedy, he was only 21. As we arrive towards the end of the video Travis is seen in a car with Pop Smoke, footage from a music video they did for ‘Gatti’ in 2019.

In all honesty this didn’t feel like a product reveal at all. It felt more like an advertisement within a concert, within a documentary, within a movie. It was that brilliant in my opinion! I might just start saving up and getting myself a PlayStation 5.

Check out the full video here:

